A beautiful sight… 🥰 🎻

 After practice yesterday, I set my violin down on my desk chair, and thought, what a beautiful sight! I’ll get some pics of it! Haha 😁 Doesn’t the violin make you feel happy? Or, maybe that’s just me. I’m trying to convince Faith to learn it too! I told her I’d get her one for her birthday, but she hasn’t agreed yet… I need a violin partner! 😊 🎻


  1. 🩵🎻 I like the cow (or bull) picture on the wall. 🙂

    1. Thanks! 😊 That’s my metal cow! I know, it’s super cute! 🥰

    2. Is it actually sticking out or is it just a picture? It's hard to tell. 😀

    3. It’s up against the wall, but they made it to where you screw it on the edge of a fence post to make it stick out. 😊

  2. Violins are great, but guitars are better. I like that cow on the wall too! lol

    1. Funny! Sorry, but our opinions will differ here.Violin first, piano second, guitar third. 😊


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