Latest Watercolor painting… (A Gala Apple)

 This is my last watercolor painting… (Done yesterday.) 

It was a lot of fun! I have 3 really good paintings that I’ve done recently, but can’t share them yet, because they’re a surprise! 😮 But they all took months, weeks, and hours! So I’m pretty excited about showing them to you guys as soon as I’m allowed. 🙂 Let me know what y’all think! 🤔 


  1. Simply beautiful Grace! I love it! Can’t wait for the surprise too! 💜

    1. Thank you, sweet Emily! You’re too kind! Jesus always gets the glory for any talents we have! 💙

  2. 🩵 Looks delicious. 😋

  3. I think you did a great job, Grace! I love your paintings, and am looking forward to more.

  4. Thanks, y’all! I really appreciate the feedback! All glory to Jesus!


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