“Command the blessing”/ Very funny! 😁

What’s going on, you guys?!  Lots of nice views on the last post… 😁 I’m glad to see people taking note of the Chevy Traverse that we BOUGHT. Actually, we bought two of them in the past few months! lol 

So happy people are getting our friend’s cars confused with being our’s.  I guess jealousy can do that. So awesome. 😎 

Great news coming out later today, by the way! Super excited for everything you don’t know!! 


  1. I know! It’s so exciting how God has been blessing us!!! And GREAT things are in the air…. Oh my! Super exciting!!! 🩵🩵🩵😁

  2. Haha! Yup! I didn’t know that our 2020 Chevy was so popular these days! 😅

  3. For real, you guys! 😊 Our garage kept, Physician owned, pristine beauty! Such an eye catcher!


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