“In God we trust…” (Or do we?)

 Have a lovely day, all my readers and friends! 🩷🩷🩷🩷 Y’all make this blog possible. 😊


  1. So, yesterday AFTER including this Bible magnet story in my exhortation, the grid was definitely stirred… We headed out that evening, and on our way to a hardware store, a car passes us on the “IF YOU DIED TONIGHT WOULD YOU BE IN HEAVEN OR HELL?” side. It was an elderly couple, she read the magnet, looked right at me, and began to shake her head. I’m thinking, “Wow. Devils are definitely stirred.” Then, at the hardware store, God sent encouragement by, because a man came over to tell us how much he liked our Bible magnets! However, later on, at the grocery store, a homeless man comes over to my Dad and at first talks about how convicting the message was on our vehicle. But then, his devils got all stirred, and started to tell my Dad how HE was going to Hell, and then starting circling the car, and went and turned us in to Kroger, saying that we were in an illegal parking spot, when we were not! Anyway, a crazy day, after highlighting that magnet! ~Grace 🩷


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