Please go away…


I’m tired of all the “old freaky guys” divorced or not, thinking they “deserve” a homeschooled, young, single girl- who has waited her whole life for her prince; and saved all her “firsts” for him. 

Just because you’ve been around the block a few times, and FINALLY realized what it actually is you want in a wife- does NOT mean that you now deserve it! 

You guys can just run on, and take a flying leap at the moon! 

Talk about the spirit of entitlement! 

The answer to y’all is NO. And always will be. So, please just go away. (Don’t go away mad- just go away.) 


  1. Grace, I couldn’t agree with you more!
    Absolutely! They can run on & never show their sleazy faces again!!!

  2. Sooooo true, Grace! It’s getting old (pun intended!). The oldies need to focus on Jesus now. And NO divorced guys either! No, no, no!!!! So yuck. I want a young, smart, manly man! Yeah, young. And no, you DO NOT deserve a pure princess. You deserve singleness. Period.

  3. I'm sorry you've had to deal with all that 😞

    1. Yes, some people are just sick in the head- unfortunately.


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